Green candidate visits five counties
Green Party Number 1 candidate Brian Fewster visited five counties in three days to promote the Green Party's European election manifesto, which was launched by East Midland Greens on May 26.
- May 26 morning: manifesto launched in Nottingham
- May 26 afternoon: leafleting in Chesterfield, Derbyshire - calling for rail renationalisation
- May 26 evening: answering questions at Chesterfield Stop the War Coalition forum
- May 27 morning: manifesto Northants launch at Walter Tull Memorial, Northampton
- May 27 afternoon: visit to Leicester Mercury office to expose Labour's support for fast food industry
- May 27 evening: answering questions at Amnesty forum in Wigston, Leicestershire
- May 28 afternoon: leafleting in Grantham with Grantham-based fellow-candidate John Chadwick
- May 28 afternoon: manifesto Lincolnshire launch outside Puccino's in Lincoln.
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Published and promoted by Brian Fewster on behalf of the Green Party and himself as candidate at 89a Winchester Avenue, Leicester LE3 1AY.